MCBA EVO and the Community | Bucharest - Romania
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Community Impact - 

mcba - sponsorul principal al: 
business women forum romania

Mentor Capital & Business Advisory (MCBA) este sponsorul principal al BWFR – Business Women Forum Romania.

BWFR este o organizatie non-profit (ONG) creata de femei, operata de femei si dedicata dezvoltarii, sprijinului femeilor si networking-ului in arena de afaceri.

Asociatia este dedicata sprijinirii femeilor aflate in orice functie de conducere, femeilor ce sunt antreprenori, proprietari de afaceri, lideri de ONG-uri, manageri de corporatii, precum si oricaror femei ambitioase ce doresc sa isi creasca activitatea de afaceri, sa se promoveze, sa-si mareasca reteaua si sa progreseze, inspirandu-se de la alte afaceri si femei de succes din cele mai diverse domenii.

In plus, BWFR se straduieste sa sprijine femeile ce se gandesc sa inceapa o afacere, in timpul acestei etape incipiente, prin intermediul unor seminare speciale, consultanta financiara si mentorat. BWFR a creat o atmosfera confortabila, o comunitate deschisa si o zona de siguranta pentru membrii organizatiei, pentru ca acestea sa vina sa puna intrebari, sa-si impartaseasca cunostintele si sa obtina sfaturi din partea altor femei. 

Misiunea BWFR se bazeaza pe 3 valori principale: 

  • Imbogatirea cunostintelor femeilor de afaceri cu continut nou, concepte si surse de inspiratie 

  • Conectarea femeilor de afaceri din diverse domenii, prin crearea unei retele puternice 

  • Incurajarea femeilor de afaceri sa-si dezvolte ideile si visurile prin intermediul altor povesti de succes 


Membrii forumului se intalnesc saptamanal in cadrul unor activitati diverse - workshop-uri, seminare, conferinte, cluburi pentru dezvoltare personala, grupuri pentru brainstorming si evenimente sociale. 

Business Women Forum Romania este o organizatie multinationala creata si operata de femei de afaceri locale si straine din Romania. Activitatile se desfasoara in limba engleza si romana, urmarind sa le expuna pe femei la diverse surse de inspiratie, metodologii de afaceri si diverse experiente, oferite de femei din intreaga lume. 

Viziteaza site-ul BWFR –

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Supported by MCBA, stichting Women in Healthcare - Benelux is a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering and enriching women within the healthcare industry.

WHC, by women and for women, is resolutely focused on advancing women in management roles across the healthcare sector. This includes entrepreneurs, business owners, NGO leaders, corporate managers, and ambitious women within healthcare who aim to expand their business horizons, cultivate their network, and advance their knowledge through insights shared by successful businesses and accomplished women from various healthcare domains.

WHC also extends support to women contemplating the launch of healthcare-related businesses, whether in the present or the near future.

The WHC environment offers comfort, an open community, and a secure space for members to seek guidance, share expertise, and receive advice from fellow women.

WHC has curated a community of professional women, providing participants with the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who understand their aspirations and needs, thus facilitating personal and professional growth. Activities are conducted in English, designed to expose women to diverse inspirations, business methodologies, and perspectives from women around the world.

Embrace this opportunity by completing the WHC application form and becoming an integral part of the healthcare industry women's community.

Women Leading the Way in Healthcare - Benelux
WHC's mission centers on providing women in the healthcare sector with support, resources, and avenues to lead and thrive.

The WHC objective is to establish a community of empowered women in healthcare, driving positive change and making a significant impact in the industry. Join WHC on the journey to empower women and elevate healthcare in Benelux.

Visit WHC at:

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