MCBA EVO TECH | Complete brand management | Bucharest - Romania
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EVO Content Booster defineste continuu cuvinte-cheie si tendinte de marketing peste tot pe internet, in cadrul domeniului tau de activitate si le implementeaza in continutul prezentat.

Continutul este dezvoltat si utilizat pe bloguri, anunturi, postari si multe altele. Acesta integreaza strategia companiei impreuna cu partajarea de informatii relevante, personalizate si de interes, ajutand compania sa isi consolideze constientizarea brandului si contribuie la rentabilitatea acesteia. 


Scriitorii nostri de continut experti interni creeaza continut original ce urmareste strategia si tintele companiei, dar inainte de a fi lansat, il ducem la nivelul urmator!


Inainte de lansare, continutul este analizat si perfectionat prin intermediul EVO Content Booster®.


EVO Content Booster defineste continuu cuvinte-cheie si tendinte de marketing peste tot pe internet, in cadrul domeniului tau de activitate si le implementeaza in continutul prezentat.

Rezultatele fac ca continutul tau sa fie nu numai original si unic, ci si perfect din punct de vedere al SEO, si il expunem peste tot pe internet in cautari repetabile.

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Arunca o privire asupra tehnologiilor noastre:
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EVO Ads Optimizer Platform® (AOP)

EVO AOP® brings you the future in advertising performance, perfects your content and keywords and drives traffic to your site, blog or video, developing your client base and creating higher conversion rates.

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EVO Leads Generator®

EVO’s Artificial Intelligence leads generator tool will bring your product or service directly to your target audience at the right times and provide you with high quality leads.

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EVO Positive Reviews Booster®

EVO positive review booster increases your positive REAL reviews and reduces the visibility of the negative ones.

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EVO event booster

A special hybrid technology that optimizes the exposure of your event directly towards your target audiences, triggering interest, generating registrations and ticket sales, then re-targeting your participants to future events!

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EVO Remarketing Generator®

Statistics show that potential clients view specific ads 4 to 6 times before they make the step and purchase, and for that reason, our technology makes sure to support this process wisely and to increase your sales.

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EVO Online Reputation Management® (ORM)

Continuously analyzing the web (24/7), providing you with the complete overview of your brand reputation hazards and the ability to overcome them.

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EVO Content Booster®

EVO Content Booster continuously defines leading keywords and marketing trends all over the net within your domain of activity and implements them within the presented content.

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EVO PPC Management tool®

Our AdWords management software is built on superior analysis algorithms and by using it to its full potential, it can help you construct a stellar PPC advertising campaign.

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EVO Real-time Reports & Analytic tool®

Our Report & Analytics platform runs all the time, providing us with updates of progress, in real time, to refine your objectives and perfect your operations.

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EVO 360° Employer Branding®

Our 360° Employer Branding® system, tackle directly the required motivations of your target audience and employees through all to right online media channels. 

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Evo Candidates Generator

EVO’s Artificial Intelligence candidate generator tool will bring your company and open positions directly in front of your target audience at the best points of time and provide you with high-quality candidates.

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